The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is today marking the launch of a new partnership with The Silver Line helpline to help reach out to even more elderly people who are cared for in their homes and in residential care.
Our Board meet during the year and the minutes of these meetings are made available for everyone to read. We hope that this helps you stay up to date about our plans and how we are spending our time helping the community.
Healthwatch North Somerset assisted in leading a workshop at the Dementia Challenge Conference at the Winter Gardens on 3rd November 2014 entitled Valuing Your Voice – Improving Local Services.
The inspections – which are carried out by a mixture of inspectors, clinicians, and experts by experience – will assess whether the service overall is: safe, effective, caring, responsive to people’s needs and well-led.
To contribute to the special enquiry, Healthwatch North Somerset chose to seek the views of service users at a local drop in centre for the homeless and vulnerably housed.