The 1 in 4 Community Mental Health Recovery Centre has started new drop-in sessions following appeals from the public. The charity is also helping to set up a North Somerset Suicide Prevention Group to provide more help to people in crisis.
Bosses of Weston Area Health NHS Trust (WAHT), like at all UK hospitals, have had to make millions of pounds worth efficiency savings each year and will require additional financial support from the Department of Health to cover the shortfall.
We know from extensive public feedback that for local people their most important and valued health and social care service is the primary care service provided by GPs.
North Somerset Council is looking to redesign its short breaks provision for children and young people with additional needs following the introduction of the Children and Families Act 2014 in September, which has major implications for how services
A new website is launched that will help bridge the communication gap between healthcare professionals and patients diagnosed with mild chronic kidney disease (CKD)
North Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group is one of the GP-led Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) around the country have been approved to jointly commission GP services with NHS England, it has been announced today.