University hospitals Southampton offer leadership development opportunity
University Hospitals Southampton offer leadership development opportunity for aspiring leaders with disabilities.
Health Matters events 2019
Health Matters events are free public talks hosted by consultants or senior managers on specialist areas of health, or on issues affecting our hospitals.
Wellbeing service - feedback during change
Healthwatch North Somerset has collected feedback detailing the experiences of users accessing Wellbeing Services and professionals supporting the service.
New research from CQC
New research for CQC shows people in South West regret not raising concerns about their care – but those who do raise concerns see improvements
Workforce Race Equality Standard data report
We are pleased to attach a copy of the 2018 WRES data report, which provides an overview of the data on all nine WRES indicators and makes comparisons to previous years’ data.
NHS to roll out lung cancer scanners
The NHS are going to roll out lung cancer scanning trucks across the country
BBC - Is young people's mental health getting worse?
From the BBC - Poor mental health among children and young people has been described as an epidemic and an “escalating crisis”.
Using technology to build a stronger Healthwatch community
From Healthwatch England:
With 152 Healthwatch organisations across the country, we need to make good use of technology to help our teams connect and learn from each other.
With 152 Healthwatch organisations across the country, we need to make good use of technology to help our teams connect and learn from each other.
BBC - Young people told "Become a care worker"
BBC reports young people in England are being targeted by the government in a bid to recruit thousands of more care workers.
New proposals around Weston hospital
IMPORTANT NEW proposals around healthcare and the Hospital in WSM
Healthwatch brings peoples voices to Westminster
Over 100 Healthwatch representatives from across the country came together to meet their MPs at an event in parliament last week.