Changes to Clarence Park and Graham Road surgeries

Going Forward Together
Have your say about our future changes.
Clarence Park & Graham Road surgeries

Health planners are looking to improve service provision for patients and their families, service users and carers into the future. Initially, the company that manages the two surgeries, wasn’t clear about how to take forward proposals for potential changes, which we know has led to some confusion and different stories about the future of the surgeries emerging. Following an open public meeting on the 23 November 2018, which was well attended, we shared that we would restart the work about our proposals for change with our patients and public in an engagement and consultation process in the new year.

Patient and public consultation events are planned to discuss possible options. The dates are:

Tuesday 5th February, 12.30 -14.30 and 18.30 – 20.30 at Clarence Park Baptist Church Walliscote Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1ED

Tuesday 19th March, 12.30 -14.30 and 18.30 – 20.30 at Clarence Park Baptist Church,  Walliscote  Road,  Weston-Super-Mare  BS23  1ED

If you would like to be kept updated and/or share your views, please email the following address:



There are important documents for your perusal regarding the public consultation

PPG case for change
Patient and Public Involvement Plan