The NHS is under financial pressure with growing demand for services. As the NHS reaches its 70th birthday, The King’s Fund has been exploring how the public views its relationship with the NHS.
Reading Well helps you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using self-help reading. The scheme is endorsed by health professionals and supported by public libraries.
The National Service is turning 70 and Weston Area Health Trust is inviting you to join in their birthday celebrations with a cup of tea, a slice of cake and a chat about your health service.
We attended the Make Every Contact Count and Gordano Valley Social Care Networking event in Portishead today. It was great to meet local health care professionals and providers
NHS Improvement has published a patient experience improvement framework designed to support NHS trusts and foundation trusts to achieve good and outstanding ratings in their Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspections.
The Kings Fund have published their latest report entitled "Developing new models of care in the PACS Vanguards". It is a new national approach to large-scale change.