Enter and View at Graham Road Surgery

Our authorised representatives visited Graham Road Surgery in November 2022. We observed people's experiences, heard from patients, their carers and relatives, and spoke to staff about what's going well and where the surgery could improve.

All local Healthwatch have the legal power to carry out an Enter and View visit. We decided to visit Graham Road Surgery in response to patient feedback and to follow up the recommendations from a previous visit in January 2020. The Practice Manager was notified in advance of our visit.

The purpose of our visit was to hear from patients and document their experiences at the surgery. We asked specific questions regarding access to appointments, the telephone system, waiting times for booking appointments, appointment satisfaction, home visits, and referrals. Our goal was to make suitable and achievable suggestions for improvement and share examples of good practice with the service.

Graham Road Surgery is currently rated as 'requires improvement' by the Care Quality Commission.

You can download our full report below. If you require this information in an alternative format, please email helen@healthwatchbnssg.co.uk.


Enter and View report: Graham Road Surgery

Key findings

  • Half of patients felt they could get an appointment when they wanted one. However, 36% still describe it as 'very difficult' or 'difficult' to make an appointment at the surgery. 37% said they use the askmyGP online appointment services and many found the service was not available for long enough. 
  • The phone system at Graham Road was upgraded in April 2022, but 60% of people said they had seen no improvement in the phone system. One patient said: "Getting through to the surgery and getting an appointment are the biggest 
    issues - but the care is good."
  • Over two thirds of patients were able to see the professional that they wanted.
  • Only 3 out of ten people felt the surgery recognised the holistic role of families and carers in the care process.
  • Half felt that the communication between the surgery and the pharmacy was effective and easy.
  • Nearly two thirds of patients had experienced a referral by the surgery and over 78% were "positive" or "very positive" about this. One said: "If I need a referral, I am always given one and have had no trouble with this".
  • 37% of patients in the survey said they did not find the premises clean or welcoming.


  • We recommend a more robust means of ensuring prescriptions provided by the surgery are dispensed accurately by the pharmacy.
  • Our visit in 2020 recommended that patients are given information about the professionals they are likely to see at appointments. We recommend again in 2023 that a photographic staff display board and website section provides information for patients, families, and carers about the staff at the surgery as requested by patients.
  • We recommend that the surgery have a process for including wider family and carers in appointments.
  • As we did in 2020, we recomment that the surgery builds trusting relationship with all patients by sharing information. They should be made aware of better services such as the telephone system, the availability of doctors and other new staff, or the opening times of askmyGP. This should be communicated utilising alternative means to ensure all patients are informed regardless of digital access.
  • We recommend monitoring and maintaining cleanliness throughout the day.
  • We recommend Pier Health Group review and monitor the telephone appointment system to ensure the continuation of service improvement in this area.

Response from Dr John Heather, Clinical Director, Pier Health Group and Brandie Deignan, Chief Executive Officer, Pier Heath Group:

We are grateful for the recommendations provided by Healthwatch and the comments from all who were a part of this report. Pier Health Group Limited has:

  1. Reflected on the information shared with us in this report.
  2. Will ensure we prioritise the improvements recommended and measure these as we go on this journey.
  3. Will show a clear learning culture from the recommendations and strive to action these, to allow for an improved patient experience.
  4. Will continue to work with all our partners to ensure the services we offer are as accessible and high quality as possible.

Are you a patient at Graham Road Surgery? Tell us about your experience by clicking the pink 'Talk to us' button below and completing our online feedback form.

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