Locking Village Surgery - Enter and View report published

Our report into Locking Village Surgery has been published containing all our information and observations collected during our enter and view visit on 19th January 2018

The Enter & View representatives made notes of all their observations during their visit. The full list is in the report below but some of them included

  • The waiting room and reception area were clean, bright and painted in neutral colours
  • The path to the front door is small and level but wide enough for a single pushchair or wheelchair
  • The reception desk is high and not wheelchair user friendly
  • The reception area provided some privacy for patients talking to the receptionist 
  • There is hand sanitiser available before you enter the waiting room
  • There is room to maneuver a wheelchair in the waiting room
  • There was no information about Carers
  • There was no comment box available

All of the observations made by out team, together with the information gathered from staff and patients help shape the recommendations we make to the practice. These recommendations are aimed at improving the service they offer their patients. Some of our recommendations included

  1. Review and amend the information for making complaint
  2. Look at the mobile website and ensure the information is up to date
  3. Put up a comment box and a "You said, we did" information board
  4. Look at possibilities to extend the pathway to the entrance 

We did not receive a response from Locking Village Surgery.


The final report including the recommendations we made to improve the service is below

Locking Village Surgery

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