Village Voices - Report

North Somerset’s population in 2015 was 209,944 and described by DEFRA as ‘urban with significant rural populations’.

The aim of this engagement project is to report the views and opinions of the rural population in the South and East of the county. Seeking out their experience of Health and Social Care services had two main objectives; to find out where services may be good and should receive positive recognition and to identify where services are not meeting needs. 
The engagement events were opportunities for villagers to articulate if living in a village has an impact on their health and wellbeing. While collecting this feedback we also took time to develop links with key partners in rural areas, establish relationships with leaders of groups and activities and access some of the harder to reach residents in these communities.


You can read the full report regarding the rural villages in North Somerset by downloading the PDF below. If you require this in another format please email us

Village Voices - October 2016

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