Campaign to prevent suicide

Who are Shine on?
The campaign Shine On aims to encourage open and honest conversations and by holding a series of thought-provoking events to raise awareness of some of the issues to help anyone who might feel they have run out of options. It is being co-ordinated by the Independent Mental Health Network whose CEO Tom Renhard, says there is strong evidence that socioeconomic factors can play a part.
“Suicide can affect people from all walks of life but there is also strong evidence that it is the result of major inequality issues.”
High risk Groups
Research shows how Young people age 16-25, middle-aged men and those in the LGBT communities are the higher risk groups for suicide. Our own research into local services have raised issues such as parents and carers reporting a long wait for assessments, leading to periods of instability and uncertainty which places young people at risk of more serious mental episode.
The current average suicide rate is 12.7 per 100,000: 28% higher than the national average of 9.9.
According to Public Health England there were 140 suicide deaths registered in Bristol in 3 years, between 2014 – 2016. 69% (97) of those deaths were among males and 31% (43) among females.