Have you used the Pharmacy First service? Were you seen quickly? Was the pharmacy able to help you with your health concern? Please complete our short survey.
Pharmacies play a vital role in local communities. We want to hear about people's experiences of using pharmacy services in our area to ensure that residents can get the most from them.
Local people are being encouraged to join 500,000 other people in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire using the NHS App to manage their health from their smartphone or tablet.
NHS dental care continues to be one of the main concerns we hear about from the public. Issues include not being able to get an NHS dental appointment, not being able to find a dentist taking on NHS patients, and not being able to afford private dental care.
More than 15 million adults in England live with care and support needs due to a long-term condition or disability. Meals on Wheels services can be essential to these individuals, who wish to continue living in their communities but need support to do so.
The government wants to hear the views, experiences and ideas of everyone in England as part of 'the biggest ever conversation about the future of the NHS'. Here's how you can get involved.
Our work with a local hospital trust has led to a range of measures to improve the experiences of people on a waiting list for surgery. Keeping people updated about their place on a list and taking personal needs (such as housing and social support) into consideration are two of the steps that are being taken.
Earlier this year, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspected forensic inpatient and secure wards managed by Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust. The CQC gave a rating of 'requires improvement'.
'Antenatal' is the time when you're pregnant, before a baby is born. The NHS provides free antenatal classes. Parents across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire shared their experiences of antenatal care with the local Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership.
The current average waiting time in England for knee or hip replacements is 128 days. 59% of treatments are delivered within this time, but many patients are waiting longer. People on these waiting lists shared their experiences with us.
We visited six inpatient wards managed by Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership across the local area. Patients and staff told us what's working well, and where improvements are needed.