Healthwatch BNSSG's conflict of interest policy and register of interests

All Healthwatch Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) staff, Board members and volunteers are required to identify and disclose activities and relationships that might give rise to conflicts of interest.

A conflict of interest may arise where an individual, who is employed by or volunteers for Healthwatch BNSSG, has personal family interest and / or loyalty to some other individual or group, which are likely to be in conflict or may appear to be in conflict, with the interests of Healthwatch BNSSG.

To read our conflict of interest policy, click the pink 'Download' button below. An easy read version is also available to download. If you require the policy in an alternative format, please email or call 07857 055804.


Our ‘Conflict of Interest’ policy
Our 'Conflict of Interest policy - easy read

We also publish our register of staff interests. This can be downloaded below.


Register of staff interests

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